This is a presentation of little known facts from the Second World War, both big and small. Some of these notes will be followed by notes called Today's official version, showing how events are presented in the media and in school textbooks. This will be a large document and a project over time. Further events will be added continuously.
German reasons for invading Poland: After World War I, Germany’s colonies had been taken by Britain and France, and German territory had been given to France and Poland. Poland was a nation that Germany had freed from Russian rule and given independence during WWI; this did not prevent the Poles from taking German lands.
Germans were treated as second-class citizens under the Polish dictatorship, and they were conscripted into the Polish army, which was considered a grave offense. Worse, thousands of Germans had been killed in retaliation after World War I by Poles, and hundreds of thousands of Germans had fled from their homes in Poland. Another German concern was the city of Danzig, which even Winston Churchill said rightfully belonged to Germany.
Germany approached Poland with a list of twelve discussion points. Among them was a request for a land corridor to Danzig, merely a road and a railroad line. This was not an ultimatum; the German leadership wanted negotiations and guarantees for the German population, and they encouraged the Poles to add their own points to the list. But Marshal Rydz, having been given war guarantees by Britain, refused to negotiate. He believed that if Germany was pushed to war, Britain and France would destroy her on Poland’s behalf, and Poland could take even more German land.
Adolf Hitler had promised in the 1933 election that he would incorporate all Germans in Europe in one nation – especially those in areas that had been forcefully taken from Germany after the British-French attack in 1914-1919. Faced with Poland’s refusal to cooperate, Hitler saw no other choice but to declare war. He later said that it would be clear to future generations that Germans had not desired war, as they had done what they could to reach a peaceful solution.
Today’s official version: “Germany invaded Poland to get more land. The Nazists wanted to conquer the whole world.”
The German White Papers: In 1939, German soldiers took control of the Polish Foreign Ministry just as Ministry officials were busy burning incriminating documents. Among these were the White Papers, which showed messages written by Polish diplomats in Washington, dealing with their discussions for American cooperation in a future war against Germany. The plan was to provoke war, after which Poland, Britain and the United States would invade Germany.
When the White Papers were published by the German government, Polish diplomats and American politicians categorically denied them. The storm of denial prevented the American public from believing anything other than that the documents must be forged. However, their authenticity is beyond doubt:
Charles C. Tansill, professor of American diplomatic history at Georgetown University, considered the White Papers genuine. Likewise, M. Lipsky, the pre-war Polish ambassador to Berlin, assured Professor Tansill that the White Papers were real. Historian and sociologist Harry Elmer Barnes has written, “Both Professor Tansill and myself have independently established the thorough authenticity of these documents.”
William H. Chamberlain reported: “I have been privately informed by an extremely reliable source that Potocki, now residing in South America, confirmed the accuracy of the documents, so far as he was concerned.”
Edward Raczynski, the Polish ambassador in London 1934-1935, confirmed the authenticity of the documents in his diary, published in 1963 with the title In Allied London.
The documents were also confirmed as authentic in the memoirs of former Polish diplomat Juliusz Lukasiewicz, who together with Ambassador Potocki wrote most of them. The memoirs are quoted by former Polish diplomat and government minister Waclaw Jedrzejewicz in his work Diplomat in Paris 1936-1939. And finally, they were confirmed as genuine by Tyler Kent, who worked at the U.S. embassy in London 1939-1940.
Ambassador Potocki’s testimony: In the White Papers, a message sent by Polish Ambassador Potocki in Washington warns of the Jewish desire for war:
The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful ...
... The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent.
... in their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism.
This hatred has become a frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood.
In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the 'democratic world.'
German, Soviet and Slovak invasion of Poland: Poland was invaded in September 1939 by Germany, the Soviet Union and the Slovak Republic. The Slovaks contributed 50,000 soldiers.
Today’s official version: Usually only the German invasion is presented, especially in school textbooks. Rarely is the Soviet invasion mentioned, and never the Slovak one. Since “Germany invades Poland” was Britain’s excuse for going to war, by the reasoning that a country invading another must be stopped, mentioning the Soviet and Slovak invasions would show the falsehood in this excuse. The Soviet invasions of the Baltic states and of Finland at the same time are left out for the same reason (as well as the British-Soviet invasion of Iran in 1939).
Hungarian officers from the Winter War. 25,000 Hungarian volunteers fought the Soviet Union on Finland's side. |
Roosevelt’s acts of war against Germany: In 1938, the French government reopened secret negotiations for vast amounts of arms imports from the United States. The new socialist French prime minister Edouard Dalladier was so intent on war against Germany that he offered to give the U.S. all French colonies in the Caribbean and South America, as well as a sum of 10 billion franc, in exchange for the weapons. Roosevelt wanted to help with the attack, but he had to find a way to get around the Neutrality Act, which prevented any U.S. government from giving aid to warring nations. Eventually he did so and prepared thousands of military planes to send to France; after the French defeat, the planes were sent to Britain instead, in blatant disregard of the Neutrality Act.
Roosevelt was openly pro-Soviet and surrounded himself with pro-Soviet Jews. He ignored the State Department and ran foreign affairs together with his three favorite advisors: the Jewish billionaire Bernard Baruch, the Jew Henry Morgenthau (who wrote the Morgenthau Plan detailing how the German people should be exterminated) and the openly radical socialist Jew Felix Frankfurter (who Roosevelt put on the Supreme Court. He placed 200 “protégés” in top positions in government, including the Jewish communists Alger Hiss, Nathan Witt, Lee Pressman and John Apt.) Roosevelt’s actions made it obvious that he wanted war with Germany, which the Polish ambassador and many others had noted.
Roosevelt started the Lend-Lease Act, handing money to Britain to aid its attack on Germany. Roosevelt gave orders to U.S. military ships to attack German war ships and civilian ships in the North Atlantic Sea, clear acts of war. Hitler gave firm orders to navy commanders not to fire back, as he knew Roosevelt would use this as an excuse to start war.
In August 1940 Roosevelt made a “destroyers-for-bases” deal with Britain, where Britain was given fifty American Navy Destroyers from World War I to use against Germany. In return Britain would give the U.S. territory in the West Indies and Canada, which allowed Roosevelt to argue that he was not in violation of the Neutrality Act passed by Congress, but was simply engaging in a business deal. The plan for this was devised by the Jewish lawyer/adviser Benjamin Cohen.
Eventually Roosevelt sought to strangle Japan financially. He froze Japanese economic assets in the United States and forbade the exports of oil to Japan – which he knew would be seen as an act of war. A war with the Japanese would possibly lead to war with Japan’s German ally.
Later the Atlantic Charter, issued in August 1941 by Britain and the U.S., committed the two nations to destroying Germany. The German war declaration four months later became a mere formality.
The Katyn Massacre: In April-May 1940, Soviet commissars from the NKVD (predecessor to the KGB) executed around 22,000 Poles and buried them in mass graves in the Katyn forest. 8,000 were Polish officers, 6,000 were police officers. The rest, 8,000 civilians, were members of the Polish society’s elite: professors, politicians, writers, artists, business leaders, and anyone else belonging to the Polish intelligentia. Furthermore, the Polish conscription system required all college graduates to register as reserve officers, which was a further reason to kill the 8,000 officers. They were killed as part of the usual communist strategy of killing the best of a society, leaving only the uneducated mass to be easily controlled. When the German army invaded the next year they were told of the massacre by locals, and they uncovered the graves. They invited Western reporters to cover the story. The reporters came, but Western media then wrote that it was Germany that was behind the massacre. This was used as anti-German propaganda. Only after the war was the truth revealed.
Today’s official version: The Katyn Massacre is usually ignored. When it is told, it is falsely presented as a killing of Polish officers only. The audience will then believe that while it was harsh, it was part of the war. That Poland’s intellectual elite was massacred is never mentioned.
German excavation of mass grave in the Katyn Forest. British and American media blamed the massacre on the Germans. |
Polish victims in the Katyn massacre |
Soviet oppression in Poland: The Soviet commissars killed many people in eastern Poland during the occupation. In one case, the commissars nailed a priest to a barn door with his arms stretched out, in a mockery of Jesus dying on the cross. This mirrors the killing of Orthodox priests in Russia carried out by the mostly Jewish commissars. Poles were shocked when they saw their Jewish neighbors joining the Soviet commissars, leading them to their victims, such as landowners and clergy. When Germany invaded Eastern Poland in 1941, Poles retaliated against the Jews. In one case they locked up Jewish traitors in a barn and set it on fire. The story was similar in the Soviet-occupied Baltic nations, where many later joined the Germans as volunteer fighters against the communists.
Today’s official version: The story about the barn has been publicized as an example of “anti-Semitism”. The murders carried out by Jews in Poland, and the general Jewish cooperation that led to Polish retaliation is not mentioned.
Invasion of Iran: In 1939, Britain demanded that Iran expel German engineers and technicians, who were helping Iran in building an independent oil industry and modernize other industries. Iran refused, and called it an interference in their internal affairs. Britain therefore invaded Iran in 1941, together with the Soviet Union, and the two nations divided Iran among themselves.
Today’s official version: As this is such a blatant example of hypocrisy, a parallel to the German-Soviet invasion of Poland two years earlier, it puts the lie to Britain's and France's reason for attacking Germany as a moral crusade. Therefore it has been largely erased from World War II history.
The Dunkirk escape: When Britain and France declared war against Germany, a “phony war” followed where no large-scale invasion came, as the British army still had not moved in enough troops to Europe from its occupied colonies. During this time the French and British attacked German positions across the border in raids. Finally the Germans had had enough, and in 1940 they struck against France. They had to move through Belgium and the Netherlands as the French-German border was heavily fortified; it was also important to take the coastline to prevent British landings.
The German army, the Wehrmacht, proved vastly superior and soon defeated the French and British armies alike. The British army was told to abandon the still fighting French soldiers and escape through the harbor city Dunkerque. (“Dunkirk” on British maps.) Because of the general chaos at Dunkerque, it was hard to defend against the approaching German army. But on a personal order from Hitler, the German army stopped and allowed tens of thousands of British soldiers to escape.
Hitler did this because he had never wished for war with Britain, and he believed that taking tens of thousands of war prisoners would have angered the British. British newspapers, however, immediately called this “The Miracle at Dunkirk,” thereby excluding Hitler’s decision from having any part in the British escape. Even Churchill complained that too many made the Dunkirk event sound like a British victory. “An escape is not a victory,” he said.
Today’s official version: Aside from leaving out Hitler’s order, today’s version of events also ignores the fact that Britain and France declared war on Germany. The public is made to believe that Germany was the attacker. For this reason the French-British raids across the border in 1939-1940 are also ignored.
Churchill’s wish for civilian bombings: Charles de Gaulle, the French general in charge of the improvized French exile government in London, wrote in his memoirs of how he one day early in the war visited Churchill’s mansion. He was led to the garden behind the mansion, where he saw Churchill shaking his fist at the sky, shouting, “Why won’t you come!” Charles de Gaulle interpreted this as Churchill’s wish for the Germans to bomb this civilian area.
Sure enough, British planes soon bombed German civilians, after which the Germans retaliated. Winston Churchill could then present the British people as victims of “the Blitz,” using the German name for Lightning for extra effect. The name “the Battle of Britain” further put the focus on Britain as a victim, not the aggressor. After the enormous defeat in France, the British public was generally opposed to further attacks on Germany and wanted the government to accept the German peace offer, but when the newspapers could show dead civilians anyone who called for peace was accused of betraying the dead.
(As an aside, Churchill and de Gaulle hated each other. This is shown in British documents that were kept secret until 1999. Charles de Gaulle believed Churchill wanted an Anglo-American dominance of Europe, while Churchill said de Gaulle “spreads an air of anti-Anglicism wherever he goes.” He wanted to install de Gaulle as ambassador of French Madagascar or some other far-off province after the war.)
(As an aside, Churchill and de Gaulle hated each other. This is shown in British documents that were kept secret until 1999. Charles de Gaulle believed Churchill wanted an Anglo-American dominance of Europe, while Churchill said de Gaulle “spreads an air of anti-Anglicism wherever he goes.” He wanted to install de Gaulle as ambassador of French Madagascar or some other far-off province after the war.)
Today’s offical version: It is never mentioned that Britain started the bombing of civilians. Nor is Charle’s de Gaulle’s observation made common knowledge. By inventing a name for the German aerial attacks on Britain (“the Blitz”), while inventing no such words for the British attacks on Germany, all focus is placed on Britain as victim.
The German invasion of Denmark and Norway: In 1939, after the British-French war declaration, Germany asked for peace negotiations, which both the French and British government leaders refused, despite the protests of some of their ministers. Germany then decided to occupy Norway. For this purpose, and to prevent British landings of troops, they also had to occupy Denmark. It was suspected that Britain would occupy Norway, and Britain did have such plans – as the Germans arrived, the British were already placing mines outside the Norwegian coast to sink civilian ships. The iron ore imported from northern Sweden went mostly through the Norwegian port in Narvik during the summer (and the Swedish port Luleå in the winter), and this port was the target of the British mines. A British invasion would stop the imported minerals, and the British would be able to bomb Germany from Norwegian air fields. They would also be able to bomb the Swedish iron mines.
Germany was determined to make the Norwegian occupation as bloodless as possible. German troops were ordered not to fire on Norwegian troops unless they fired first. They even made contact with Norwegian commanders and asked them to surrender in order to avoid a battle, which happened on several occasions.
Today’s official version: The reasons for the German occupation are left out of the story. Instead Germany is presented as simply attacking any country within reach. No mention is ever made of Britain’s plans to possibly occupy Norway, or Britain’s minings of the waters outside Norway, which was an act of war.
The occupation of France: When France was defeated, Germany did not seek to take the whole country. Marshal Pétain, who was given command of the French government, surrendered to Germany and kept the southeastern part of France, the French State or “Vichy France” (the government was in Vichy) as well as the entire French Empire. (Except for colonies which were then occupied by Britain, such as islands outside Canada.) Germany only held the western coast, to prevent Britain from landing troops, and the northern provinces, because the industries were needed for the war effort.
The occupation of France: When France was defeated, Germany did not seek to take the whole country. Marshal Pétain, who was given command of the French government, surrendered to Germany and kept the southeastern part of France, the French State or “Vichy France” (the government was in Vichy) as well as the entire French Empire. (Except for colonies which were then occupied by Britain, such as islands outside Canada.) Germany only held the western coast, to prevent Britain from landing troops, and the northern provinces, because the industries were needed for the war effort.
Marshall Philippe Pétain, the national hero from the Battle of Verdun in WWI and leader of the pro-Fascist French State, after the former government had fled to Britain |
French provinces were not incorporated into Germany. They would be handed back to France after the end of the war. The only parts of France that were made a part of Germany were the border provinces Elsass and Lothringen, which had always been German provinces with German populations; these had been retaken by Germany in the Franco-Prussian war in the 1860s (when France attacked Prussia), but taken again by France after Germany’s defeat in World War One.
The administration in the occupied provinces remained French, as did the police and the courts. French courts could even condemn German soldiers for civilian crimes. Across France, Hitlerjugend-like organizations for young boys and girls sprung up, as France saw a nationalist cultural renaissance. The Jewish socialist Prime Minister Léon Blum who had agitated and planned for war had left his post in 1938, and his successor Edouard Dalladier had been captured. The resistance to the German occupation was only supported by around two percent of the population and consisted heavily of Jewish communists and Algerian immigrants; the rest were called Les Attendants, the Waiting, who waited for the war to end.
The British destruction of France: The greatest threat to France was the British attacks on French colonies, the French navy in the Mediterranean, but worst of all on French cities. The capital of Lower Normandy, Caen, had 70 percent of its buildings destroyed. The British knew that the German command in the region was located outside the city, but the British exposed the French civilians to the same terror bombings as the Germans. Because of the attacks and economic isolation during the war, French GDP was cut in half.
Today’s official version: It is never mentioned in French classrooms that the reduced GDP was the result of British attacks. Likewise, war museums showing photographs of the destroyed cities only mention the German occupation. This way the French connect the destruction to the Germans. To point out that it was the British, not Germans, who attacked (and to ask why Germans would fly bombing raids over a France that they were occupying), will cause a Frenchman to be suspected of being a Nazist sympathizer.
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French civilians running from British and American bombs. The bomb raids were as frequent as the raids against Germany. |
Roosevelt’s aid to communists: In 1940, Congressman Martin Dies told Roosevelt that there were possible Soviet agents in high positions in the Roosevelt government. Roosevelt replied, “I do not believe in communism any more than you do, but there is nothing wrong with the communists in this country. Several of the best friends I have are communists.”
Roosevelt continued, “While I do not believe in communism, Russia is far better off and the world is safer with Russia under communism than under the tsars. Stalin is a great leader, and although I deplore some of his methods, it is the only way he can safeguard his government.”
Roosevelt extended the Lend-Lease Act to include financial aid to the Soviet Union, even before the U.S. was officially at war. German leaders considered this aid to their enemies an act of war, especially combined with Roosevelt’s orders to attack German ships in the North Atlantic.
Operation Sea Lion: Much has been made of Germany’s Operation Seelöwe, the written plan for an invasion of Britain. This was, however, simply a “contingency plan” written when the war was already started, by Britain and France. Germany repeatedly asked for peace negotiations, Winston Churchill refused and silenced those in Britain who wanted peace. Hitler was opposed to an invasion of Britain, and not only because the transport of German tanks would be difficult: Hitler genuinely desired peace with Britain. He somewhat annoyed his generals by expressing the hope that there could be peace. It is clear from Mein Kampf and from other sources that Hitler admired Britain, even after fighting in World War One against British attackers.
Japanese poster: “Friends in three nations,” showing children from Japan, Germany and Italy |
Japan’s reasons for war: For the Japanese, Roosevelt’s plan to stop their oil imports (80% of Japan’s oil was imported from the U.S.) and freeze their economic assets in 1941 meant that they could not survive industrially. They had a two-year oil reserve, and when it was used up, they would be done for. Furthermore, the U.S., Britain and the Dutch East Indies imposed an oil-and-steel embargo on Japan. Japan faced the choice of fighting or surrender to Roosevelt’s dictates. The Japanese had seen the European Empires take control of Asia for centuries – Britain, Russia, France, Prussia, America, the Netherlands, before them Spain and Portugal – and were determined not to be subjugated like China had been.
Their first option – favored by pro-American members of parliament – had been peaceful trade with the West. The second option – favored by the Japanese military – was to create an empire of their own, where they could produce their own oil and raw materials. They now had to take the oil in the East Indies, and America would no doubt stop them if they tried. The Japanese therefore attacked the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, seeing it as the most important center for the projection of Western military might in the Pacific. Under the slogan “Asia for the Asians” they then proceeded to attack European colonies in Asia, and nations like China that were dominated by the Westerners.
Therefore they did not attack Thailand, which was independent and free of Western control.
Female Japanese military personnel, welcoming a delegation of German Hitlerjugend youth in 1938 |
Germany now finally declared war on the United States to come to the aid of their ally, and because the Soviet Union, supported by the Roosevelt Administration, was a threat to both Germany and Japan. Germany was not under an obligation to go to war, since their defense pact with Japan did not obligate them to war if Japan declared war first. However, after American attacks on German ships and the Lend-Lease Act, Hitler considered them to already be at war with the U.S., and an official outbreak of hostilities would only be a matter of time. (There is also the possibility that the widespread German admiration for Zen Buddhism and all things Asian, especially Japan, played a role. The Japanese ambassador in Berlin was a personal friend of Hitler’s.)
Today’s official version: Very rarely is the economic warfare against Japan mentioned in the media. Nor is the Japanese perspective – surrounded for generations by European empires – mentioned. The close threat of the Soviet Union, a U.S.-supported nation, is also ignored. The American attacks on German ships are also erased from the history books. Instead Japan is presented as an aggressor with no other desire than total war.
Greek Nationalism and occupation: The Greek communist party KKE had been founded in 1918 by the Jew Avraam Benaroya, inspired by the communist leadership in the Soviet Union. As the communists tried to implement the usual preparations for a communist takeover – strikes, riots, sabotage, intimidation of store owners and other enemies, assassinations to create fear in the public – the Minister of War, Metaxas, reacted and took power in 1936.
The Greek Nationalist government under Metaxas was strongly influenced by Fascist Italy, and its largest trading partner was Germany, where Metaxas had been educated. (Germany was also the largest trading partner of most Balkan states.) In October 1940, however, Italian dictator Mussolini demanded that Italian troops be allowed to enter Greek cities, upon which Metaxas declared that he preferred war instead, saying, “Alors, c’est la guerre.” (French: Then, it is war.) Italy invaded but was beaten back by the Greeks. Germany was forced to come to its ally’s aid, and Italian, German and Bulgarian forces occupied Italy.
The German side thereby dominated all of southeastern Europe, where most countries were Germany’s willing allies. The notable exception was the British-allied government in Yugoslavia, which was defeated by other Balkan states and Germany. Serbian and Croat Nationalists then joined the German cause in fighting the Soviet Union.
Today’s version: Germany is presented as having invaded Greece and the Balkans for no reason and with no allies in the region. The invasion is presented as being proof that “Germany wanted to invade the whole world.” Germany only entered Greece because of what Hitler thought was a rather foolish Italian move, and because Greece had to be secured, since Britain would otherwise be able to occupy it from Egypt and land troops there – the same reason Norway and Denmark were occupied. Germany would have left Greece after a British acceptance of peace.
German reasons for attacking the Soviet Union: The Germans had signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, in 1938 because they had to. The Soviet Union was run by Jews and had killed millions of civilians – it seemed only a matter of time before they would attack the one country that had broken Jewish influence over its domestic politics and media.
In 1940 the Soviet Union threatened Romania, a German ally, with invasion if Romania did not hand over Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region. Romania relented. The Soviets had already invaded Poland, the Baltic states and Finland, and Romania knew that the threat of war was real. The land extortion angered German leadership, not the least because it threatened German oil imports from the Romanian fields. Hitler had held out hopes of a closer German-Italian-Soviet alliance, but these hopes were now abandoned.
German military intelligence had also reported of vast Soviet troop movements. At least 2.7 million men, the equivalent of 177 Soviet divisions, had been moved toward the German border according to Soviet archives, and the German leadership became increasingly convinced that the Soviet Union was preparing another invasion, this time of Germany.
In fact, at a speech at Frunze Military Academy in Moscow on May 5 1941, Stalin had already talked of attacking Germany because of the German “occupation” of (pro-German) Bulgaria, and the transfer of troops to Finland:
For us, the war plans are ready... In the course of the next two months we can begin the struggle against Germany. It may surprise you that I'm telling you our war plans, but it has to be. We must take this step for our protection and take revenge for Bulgaria and Finland. There is a peace treaty with Germany, but that's just an illusion, a curtain behind which we can work.
Had Germany not attacked first, the Soviet Red Army could have overrun Germany and proceeded to occupy all of Western Europe.
The first days of the attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 confirmed the Soviet troop concentrations. Most of the Soviet military planes had been moved to unguarded positions close to the German border, far from their normal, protected air bases. This is why the German Luftwaffe could destroy the Soviet planes on the ground, as they had been moved out in the open. Three million Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner because they were right by the border, unprotected. Vast supplies of war materiel were also taken.
Today’s official version: None of the signs of Soviet aggression toward European nations are mentioned when the German-Soviet war is brought up. Nor are the millions of murdered Russians, Ukrainians and others ever mentioned. Germany is once again portrayed as an aggressor that “wanted to conquer the whole world.”
Poster for the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party, one of Europe's strongest Fascist movements in the Interim Period |
Support for the war against the Soviet Union and Britain: Germany was joined by Italy, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Japan, Thailand, Burma, San Marino, Yugoslavia (before a coup), and many other nations in the war. Sympathy for Germany’s plight was high across South America. Romanian soldiers were among the first across the border and they would fight the Soviets as intensely as the Germans themselves. Croatia, Bulgaria and Hungary asked to become part of the German Reich. Finland also asked for this, but the North-admiring Hitler said no: “It is better for such a great people to creat its own destiny.”
Corneliu Codreanu, leader of the Legion of the Archangel Michael in Romania 1927, a Fascist movement. Author of To My Legionaires, one of the most well-known Fascist ideological books. |
The Waffen SS: The Weapon SS, the military branch of the SS (which was the majority of its members), was joined by volunteers from Britain, France, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Albania, Norway, Denmark, Greece, Croatia, Slovakia and elsewhere. Large groups of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers also joined, some after being taken war prisoners, with a special Russian Army set up and led by a Russian general.
Germans soon became a minority in the Waffen SS, which became history’s first pan-European fighting force – highly idealistic, with the intent of freeing Europe from communism. Even differences in religion were accepted, and Muslim Albanian recruits received food rations without pork, had the Muslim crescent moon sewn onto their uniforms, and were followed by Muslim imams instead of Christian priests in the field. There were many who wanted to avenge those who had been killed by the Soviets, and who wanted to save Europe from the threat of communist invasion.
(This writer also knows of at least one Jew who joined the Waffen SS in order to fight the Soviets. He had witnessed how Norwegian soldiers executed close to a hundred German war prisoners, scoffing contemptuosly when he asked them to stop. This so angered him that he became convinced Germany’s side in the war was the right one. “They were the only ones who tried to do something.”)
Today’s official version: The foreign volunteers are ignored. Germans must be seen to stand alone, with everyone else opposing them. Slavic recruits in particular are hidden from the public, as the media line is that Germany sought to enslave or exterminate all Slavs.
Croatian Waffen SS soldiers. Croatia contributed 38 divisions to the Waffen SS, all Muslims. The recruitment was organized by SS officer Karl von Krempler, a specialist in Islam. |
Millions of dead Russians: German soldiers wrote home about how Russians came running toward them at night, firing guns. The Germans naturally responded by firing back. In the morning they discovered that most of the dead Russians were peasants, and that only a few were armed with guns. The Soviet commissars in the NKVD forced unarmed peasants to run toward German soldiers to make them waste bullets; they did this by setting up machine guns behind Russian lines, and shooting anyone who refused orders. The Germans wrote that they had never seen or imagined such cruelty could exist. This is how nine million Russians died in the war – it is also possible that some of the dead were actually victims of Stalin’s ongoing massacres, the largest in world history, where more than sixty million people were killed in the Gulag.
An example of this Soviet war against its own population could be found in Chechnya. The Chechnyans, like many non-White peoples, were accused of being sympathetic toward the anti-communist Germans. Soviet commissars therefore captured hundreds of thousands of Chechnyan men and drove them to Siberia. In the middle of the frozen wasteland the trains stopped, the men were forced to step outside, and the trains then drove away. The men were left to starve and freeze to death. Those few who made it back home saw their homes destroyed. These numbers should be counted as victims of Soviet commissars, not simply as “Soviet victims during World War II.”
The Germans did kill Russian civilians however, but always for military purposes, unlike the Soviets. If partisans from a village had attacked German soldiers, the Germans could respond by killing some of the villagers. The Soviets on the other hand killed civilians for the sake of killing civilians, which became evident when they invaded Eastern Europe and Germany later in the war. The Soviet Red Army also tortured its victims, which the Germans never did. German prisoners of war were found with their eyes cut out, their ears and noses and fingers cut off, and their genitals cut off. The Germans called this an Asiatic cruelty, alien to Europeans.
German soldiers complained that their officers did not have a better strategy for enlisting the Russian people in the struggle. Had they not been largely ignored or seen as a potential enemy, they could have been made to revolt against the Soviet leadership. Before the war the Soviet government had been weakened, as the Russian people were disillusioned, killed and starving. World War II gave Stalin and his government a new legitimacy.
Germany’s non-White allies: Before and during the war, Germany made contact with many peoples who sought to create a political sphere free of communism and Jews. Hitler met with the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the 1930s, and gave his approval for the hopes of an independent Palestinian nation. (Palestine had been invaded by Britain, which organized the immigration of Jewish Zionists.) During the war Germany shipped Arab soldiers from North Africa to Greece, where they received training before returning to Africa to fight the British. Erwin Rommel, the “Desert Fox,” was in daily radio contact with Black officers in Egypt: the plan was to start a military uprising against the British when the Germans reached Kairo.
German leaders and intellectuals held a genuine interest in Buddhism. Expeditions were sent to Tibet, and close contact was made with the Japanese. It was noted that the Japanese were mixed with the White aboriginal population in the Japanese islands, the Ainu. The Japanese ambassador in Berlin was a personal friend of Hitler, often invited to dinner parties. In China, Germany supported the Nationalist Kuomintang Party, which (together with the communists) had defeated the warlords that plagued the nation after Western Empires tore apart the imperial dynasty. The Blue Shirts, a large fascist movement within the KMT that was led by KMT’s chairman Chiang Kai-Shek, was strongly influenced by Germany. Germany hoped to form a Chinese-Japanese-German alliance, but Japan said no, as they didn’t want to give up Manchuria. German engineers and military advisors nevertheless helped build the Chinese military in the 1930s to fight the communists.
Plaek Phibunsongkram, Thai Field Marshal. Thailand declared war on the British and French Empires in 1942 and cooperated closely with Japan. |
Iran had long been under British domination. Germany sent engineers and other personnel to help Iran build its own oil industry, thereby gaining freedom from Britain. Britain demanded that Iran expel all Germans, and when Iran refused, Britain and the Soviet Union together invaded Iran in 1939.
Thailand allied with Japan and declared war on France, Britain and the U.S. in 1941. Thai nationalists have spoken in support of the NSDAP’s government even after World War II.
German diplomats met with Hindu Nationalists, who hoped to start an Indian uprising against Britain. The Hindu Nationalist leader Subhas Chandra Bose escaped British soldiers and traveled to Germany in 1941. While an uprising did not come to pass at the time, Hindu Nationalism remained and made it impossible for the British to trust their Hindu officers. This greatly boosted support for Mohatma Gandhi’s independence movement. To this day Hitler’s book Mein Kampf remains a best-seller in India, where it is likely to have sold more copies than in any other nation except 1930s Germany.
Germany also maintained contact with the Kingdom of Iraq, despite its status as a de-facto vassal state of Britain. Iraq would join Germany in fighting the British in 1941.
German leaders even met with Zionist leaders from Palestine, who sought German support for a Zionist state. Hitler could not promise such support, as Germany had already made contact with the Palestinian Grand Mufti. However, arrangements were made to ship German Jews to Palestine. In many of the concentration camps, Jews were trained in agriculture so they could become farmers in Palestine when the war was over.
Today’s official version: This is almost never mentioned, and certainly not in school textbooks or the average documentary. When any of the details are revealed, it is as separate snippets of information, never presented together. It defeats the media’s purpose to portray the German National Socialists as evil and hateful toward all non-Whites.
Flag of the pro-German Hindu Nationalist movement |
Northward advancement through Italy: Allied soldiers invaded Italy in September 1943. As they advanced northward, Winston Churchill wanted to move east toward the Balkan states, for the purpose of protecting them from Soviet invasion. He was overruled by Roosevelt, who ordered U.S. troops to move into southern France. Churchill protested fiercely, as it was unnecessary to advance into southern France, and it would weaken Allied forces as the Germans in southern France were heavily fortified. But Roosevelt insisted, thereby knowingly handing over all of Eastern Europe to Soviet invasion, as he had promised he would do at the Yalta Conference.
The Anne Frank diary: Anne Frank was the daughter in a Jewish family in the Netherlands, who was interned in the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in Poland as part of the plan to evacuate Jews from Western Europe. Several weeks later, she was evacuated with thousands of other Jews by train more than 400 miles westward to the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany, to escape the advancing Red Army. There she died from typhus, while being treated in the camp hospital by German nurses and doctors. Many inmates in the concentration camps died from typhus and other diseases brought to the camps by East European Jews.
Anne Frank’s supposed diary was presented by her father after the war, making him a millionaire. It has been published in more than 22 million copies, and is often given to schoolchildren to read in order to make them feel an emotional connection to a Jewish girl their own age.
The diary displays clearly different examples of handwriting, and part of it is written in ball-pen. While ball-pen was invented at the time, it was new and only owned by a few, certainly not Jews in the Netherlands. One American who underwent “Holocaust studies” in the 1950s, where almost everyone else in the class were Jews, has noted that it was generally assumed in the class that the book was fiction. It was not until later that it was presented as a true story.
Today’s official version: It is said that Anne Frank “died in Auschwitz.” This is a lie by omission, meant to make the public assume she was killed by poison gas.
Operation Keelhaul: Operation Keelhaul was the name given to Roosevelt’s and Churchill’s plan to hand over fleeing Russian to the Soviet Union after the war. 50,000 Russians under General Vlasov had fought for the Germans during the war, and afterward they had surrendered to the Americans, believing they would be safe. Instead they were handed over by force to the Soviet commissars, to be massacred.
In total, two million Russians were forcibly returned to the Soviet Union for extinction. In one case, 2,749 Cossacks, of which 2,201 were officers, were told to attend a meeting with British officials. They were told to leave their coats, as they would be back with their wives and children in the evening. As soon as they showed up, they were put in a prison camp. Then they were forced onboard trucks for shipment to the Soviet Red Army. Many refused to board the trucks, as they knew they would all be killed. And so the British soldiers beat them with clubs to the heads, until they were unconscious and thrown onboard.
Russian POWs were even taken from American soil. Some of these were housed in barracks at Fort Dix, New Jersey. The military police used tear gas against them, and then forced them to the harbor where a Soviet ship waited.
In Sweden, the socialist-dominated regime did the same. 167 Baltic soldiers and officers had fled to Sweden after the war, having fought together with the Germans against the Soviet invasion. This was called Baltutlämningen, the Extraction of the Balts. They were forced by the Swedish military and police down to the Stockholm harbor, where Soviet soldiers waited to bring them onboard a ship for transport. Some of them had to be dragged, as they knew what awaited them. As soon as they were in the Soviet Union they were all killed.
The Morgenthau plan for Germany’s destruction: Roosevelt ordered all commanders to “take no steps looking toward the economic rehabilitation of Germany [or] designed to maintain or strengthen the German economy.” Asked if he wanted the German people to starve to death, Roosevelt said, “Why not?”
The Jewish Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau put in place the “Morgenthau boys” to make sure that JCS Directive 1067, the plan to destroy Germany’s economy, was enforced. This was called the Morgenthau Plan. The leader of these “boys” was the Jew Colonel Bernard Bernstein.
General Lucius Clay, military governor of occupied Germany, wrote of this in his 1950 book Decision in Germany: “It seemed obvious to us even then that Germany would starve unless it could produce for export and that immediate steps would have to be taken to revive industrial production.”
Clay’s chief adviser Louis Douglas, U.S. High Commissioner, denounced JCS 1067: “This thing was assembled by economic idiots. It makes no sense to forbid the most skilled workers in Europe from producing as much as they can in a continent that is desperately short of everything.”
The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee asserted: “During the first two years of the Allied occupation the Treasury program of industrial dismantlement was vigorously pursued by American officials.”
But luckily for Germany, Roosevelt died in in April 1945. While the starvation campaign against Germany continued for years, eventually things changed. In July 1947, JCS 1067 was replaced by JCS 1779, which allowed Germany to once again build an industry. Yet even with this new directive in place and Roosevelt dead, and even though General Clay was the military governor of Germany, it took another two months before he could defeat the powerful forces in the administration that wanted the Morgenthau Plan to remain in place.
Baltic soldier in Sweden dragged to the harbor to be handed over to the Soviets for execution. This was a part of Operation Keelhaul, demanded by Roosevelt. |