In The American Conservative, Patrick Buchanan has consistently exposed the “neoconservative” push toward war and their hijacking of the Republican Party. Buchanan is a former aide to conservative presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.
It is worth noting this first, so as to show that while the neocons are currently in control, there are conservatives who oppose them. The internet has made it easier to spread information about this cabal. However, these websites cannot reveal the Jewish component of neoconservatism, since it would label them “anti-Semites”, which is a career-destroyer. They can only point out how neocons are tied to Israel’s interests, without noting that they are tied to Israel because almost all neocons are Jews.
As an example, by the year 2003 the list of neoconservatives (all of them Jews except no 14 and 32) in the Bush administration read as follows:
1. Richard Perle – Chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He was fired from Senator Henry Jackson’s staff in the 1970s after being caught by the NSA, National Security Agency, handing over classified national-security documents to the Israeli embassy. He later worked for the Israeli weapons firm Soltam. This Israeli spy was nevertheless brought into the White House by Bush, and he became one of the most active in the push to make the Senate and the country approve of an invasion of Iraq, the strongest supporter of the Palestinian resistance. Member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a pro-Israel neocon outfit that sent an infamous letter to President Clinton in 1998 urging an invasion of Iraq. The document called for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would make the American public go along with wars for domination of the Middle East.
2. Paul Wolfowitz – Deputy Defense Secretary. Together with Perle he was one of the three “hawks” in the escalation toward the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. He would have been the Secretary of State if his aggressive opinions hadn’t made him too controversial in Washington; instead Donald Rumsfeld (not a Jew) was given that more visible position. Paul Wolfowitz was later made the President of the World Bank. Has a sister and other relatives living in Israel. Member of PNAC.
Paul Wolfowitz |
3. Douglas Feith – Under-Secretary of Defense, Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He was Wolfowitz’s right hand, the third of the top “hawks.” He had ties to the Zionist Organization of America, a militant Zionist group. Feith has often been invited as a speaker at their meetings. He also had a small law firm, Feith and Zell, whose only foreign office was in Israel. Before the invasion of Iraq the firm’s website said that it “represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturers.” Feith was one of the authors of A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (1996), a document sent to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, outlining how U.S. foreign policy to dominate the Middle East should be conducted.
Douglas Feith with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon |
4. David Wurmser – Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs. He was a close advisor to Dick Cheney. He argued throughout the 1990s for invading Iraq and installing the “Iraqi National Congress,” an organization led by Iraqi Ahmed Chalabi, a long-time Washington favorite for taking control in a defeated Iraq. (Chalabi’s non-existent support in Iraq led to the end of this plan.) In 1996 David Wurmser wrote that “Whoever inherits Iraq dominates the entire Levant strategically.” One of the authors of A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm. (More on this below.)
5. Edward Luttwak – Member of the National Security Study Group, Department of Defense. Said to be an Israeli citizen, has taught in Israel. He has often written articles for Israeli newspapers and magazines, often about the need to invade Iraq.
5. Edward Luttwak – Member of the National Security Study Group, Department of Defense. Said to be an Israeli citizen, has taught in Israel. He has often written articles for Israeli newspapers and magazines, often about the need to invade Iraq.
6. Henry Kissinger – Pentagon Advisor, member of the Pentagon Defense Policy Board. Former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon. A man with an enormous web of contacts in Washington, and a living symbol for “The New World Order” Washington insiders talked about in the early 1990s, before the name disappeared from official declarations.
7. Dov Zakheim – Under-Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, Chief Financial Officer for the Department of Defense. Orthodox Jew, adjunct professor at the Jewish Yeshiva University. Member of the Commission of Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan – which must have been convenient since he used to be the CEO of System Planning Corporation, which produces military equipment for use in Iraq and Afghanistan. Member of PNAC.
8. Kenneth Adelman – Pentagon Advisor, member of the Pentagon Defense Policy Board. One of Richard Perle’s confidantes. Often appeared in the media 2001-2002 when he argued for an invasion of Iraq. Member of PNAC.
9. I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby – Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff. Also held the titles Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs, and Assistant to the President. In 2005 he was indicted for having leaked the name of CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson to the media and putting her in danger, in revenge against her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson. Wilson had shown that the claims that Iraq was buying yellowcake from Niger for the making of nuclear weapons was false. Libby was sentenced by the court to 30 months in jail and fines, but George Bush used his presidential powers and freed him from the jail sentence. Member of PNAC.
I. Lewis Libby |
10. Robert Satloff – U.S. National Security Council Advisor. Also head of the Israeli lobby’s “think tank” Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
11. Elliot Abrams – National Security Council Advisor. He was made responsible for overseeing the National Security Council's directorate of Near East and North African Affairs. Condoleeza Rice’s primary advisor on her visits to the Middle East for discussions relating to Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. Member of PNAC.
12. Marc Grossman – Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs . One of many pro-Israeli Jewish bureaucrats from Bill Clinton’s government hired by Bush. Involved in controversy: he met with Mahmud Ahmed, head of Pakistan’s intelligence service ISI, right before the 9/11 2001 attacks. The topic of the meeting has never been revealed. Shortly thereafter Mahmud Ahmed sent $100,000 to 9/11 planner Mohammed Atta. In 2007 Marc Grossman was one of fifteen Jews in the U.S. administration investigated for spying for Israel in cooperation with the Israeli lobby group AIPAC.
13. Richard Haas – Director of Policy Planning at the State Department. A close advisor to Sec. of State Colin Powell. Also Director of National Security Programs, and President of the influential Council on Foreign Relations since 2003. Also a member of the National Security Study Group in the Pentagon. He was part of Bush Sr.’s administration, where he sat in the National Security Council as director of affairs relating to the Near East and South Asia.
14. Robert Zoellick – Deputy Secretary of State, and U.S. Trade Representative. Not a Jew, but still a long-time “neoconservative”. Replaced Jew Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank in 2007. Member of PNAC. Together with Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz he wrote the 1998 document urging Bill Clinton to invade Iraq.
15. Ari Fleischer – official White House spokesman. Has ties to the Jewish extremist group Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, which follows the mysticist Judaist belief known as the Kabbala. Also one of the leaders of the Chabad group’s Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the group American Friends of Lubavitch in October 2001.
Ari Fleischer |
16. James Schlesinger – Pentagon Advisor, member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Former Director of the CIA, former Secretary of Defense (1973-1975), former Secretary of Energy (1977-1979).
17. Mel Sembler – President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee (i.e. in charge of the Republican Party finances).
18. Michael Chertoff – Head of the Department of Homeland Security. Co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act that was rushed through Congress using the fear after 9/11, a document that gives authorities wide rights to spy on U.S. citizens. Even borrowing “suspect” books at the library can put a person in the DHS archives. Chertoff is known for promoting the use of torture against resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, so-called “enhanced interrogation techniques” like waterboarding and freezing temperatures.
Michael Chertoff speaking at a conference for the Zionist B'nai B'rith organization |
19. Joshua Bolten – Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, ran the White House bureaucracy. In 2006 he took part in the White House plan to dismiss seven U.S. Attorneys and replacing them with Bush loyals, under powers given by the USA PATRIOT Act.
20. Steve Goldsmith – Senior Advisor to the President. Also the Jewish Domestic Policy Advisor (!). Also a member of the White House Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI), with the mission of negotiating with Zionist Jewish and Christian religious leaders. Friend of Ehud Olmert, former Israeli prime minister. Often visits Israel.
21. Adam Goldman – Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was also Bush’s 2000 campaign coordinator. Former ambassador to Switzerland.
22. Christopher Gersten – Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Administration for Children and Families. Former Executive Director for the Republican Jewish Coalition.
23. Mark Weinberger – Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy
24. Samuel Boldman – Deputy Secretary of Commerce
25. Bonnie Cohen – Under-Secretary of State for Management
26. Ruth Davis – Director of Foreign Service Institute
27. Lincoln Bloomfield – Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs
28. Jay Lefkowitz – General Counsel of the Office of Budget and Management
29. David Frum – Bush speechwriter. Came up with the phrase “Axis of Evil.” Now a columnist at the National Review, the #1 debate forum for the Republican Party. He was a leftist and Democrat recruited by Paul Wolfowitz for Bush. Wolfowitz told him that he didn’t have to be conservative, he only had to be pro-Israeli and aggressive toward Israel’s targets in the Middle East. David Frum became one of the top “neoconservative” propaganda voices. (This is revealed in Frum’s autobiography.)
David Frum, inventor of the phrase "Axis of Evil" |
30. Ken Melman – White House Political Director
31. Brad Blakeman – White House Director of Scheduling
32. Colin Powell – Secretary of State, ex-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Black with Jamaican parents, not a Jew, but he grew up in a Jewish neighborhood and speaks fluent Yiddish. He has proudly stated that he has a Jewish ancestor on his father’s side. On the day he was appointed to the job, December 16 2000, he declared his wish to impose harder economic sanctions against Iraq to further cripple the nation. He stood before the UN General Assembly and declared that the White House had secret documents tying both al-Qaeda and Iraq to the 9/11 attack. This justified an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in the UN’s eyes. After being fired from his position in 2005 he revealed that he had been lying, calling it “the blackest stain on my honor.”
Later on, in 2007, Bush nominated the Jew Michael Mukasey as U.S. Attorney General (what would be called Minister of Justice in European nations). He was sworn in the same year. Michael Mukasey was the judge who decided that José Padilla, an American citizen who fought for the Taliban, would be tried not as a U.S. citizen charged with a crime but held as an “enemy combatant”, a designation invented under the Bush administration – setting a precedent where an American citizen was denied his fundamental legal status. He advocated the use of torture against captured resistance fighters in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also told Bush in 2007 that he could ignore federal surveillance law when it gets in the way of his warrantless electronic spying on U.S. citizens, with the motivation that Bush is the commander in chief.
George Bush, the Neocon President
George W. Bush was elected in 2000 on a platform of fiscal restraint and traditional values, coupled with stating an end to the experiments with ”nation-building” abroad that President William Clinton had engaged in in the Balkans (creating a multiethnic Bosnia, giving Kosovo to immigrant Albanians). Bush kept none of these promises. He increased government expenditures more than any president before him; he increased the Federal debt almost as much as all presidents before him combined; he changed none of the effects of the Left’s assault on traditional American life; and he pushed hard for a mass amnesty for 12 million illegal Mexican immigrants.
President George Bush wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall |
As for foreign policy, he exploited the public’s fear after 9/11 2001 to invade Israel’s enemies Iraq and Afghanistan, tying the two together even though the anti-Islamist President Hussein was a sworn enemy of the Islamist al-Qaeda and the Pakistan-backed Taliban. More than 70 percent of those Americans who supported an invasion of Iraq believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11. Although Bush himself never said so outright, he constantly mentioned Hussein and 9/11 in the same breath and claimed Hussein would attack America with nuclear weapons. Meanwhile he maintained the sanctions and threats against Iran and sought to isolate both Iran and Syria internationally. Thereby targeting all Israel’s foremost enemies in the Middle East; the countries that had given financial (Iraq, Iran) or diplomatic support to the Palestinian resistance or Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Why would an American president be so concerned with using American lives, money and diplomatic credibility to back Israel?
President Bush lighting the White House menorah |
Who Are the Neocons?
Bush, like everyone else in Washington, knew that Jews control the media. These Jews want unconditional American support and funding of Israel. What the Jews want, they get, and no politician who might object would ever stand a chance of being elected. Bush also surrounded himself with Jews in the White House, like Bill Clinton had done before him (the most well-known of which, although with no power of her own, was named Monica Lewinsky).
The Jews around Bush called themselves neoconservatives, belonging to a group of intellectuals dating back to the 1980s and 1990s. The original founder of this movement was the Jewish Professor Strauss at Chicago University, who gathered a number of Jewish students around him. They were Trotskyists, supporters of the Jew Leonid Trotsky’s brand of communism, which was common among Western Jews after Stalin threw out many top Jews from the Soviet leadership in purges.
These Trotskyists joined the Democrat Party, where they advocated aggression toward the Soviet Union and unconditional support for Israel. These two policies became less and less popular with many other leftists. The Trotskyists then jumped over to the Republican Party and started calling themselves “new” conservatives, neoconservatives.
The Eretz Israel, Greater Israel, that Yahweh promised the Jews according to Judaism. Religious Zionist Jews, of the kind the neocons either belong to themselves or ally with, dream of this vision. Eretz Israel, or even the current settling of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, requires U.S. domination of the Middle East to prevent Arab opposition. |
The neocons seemed only concerned with foreign policy. Specifically, support for Israel and conflict with the Soviet Union. The anti-USSR stance was their only claim to being right-wing. They had little interest in fighting the Left in foreign policy – in fact, they all supported the forced integration in schools and businesses, the mass immigration, the feminism in universities and the other policies pushed hard by the Left. For America of course, not for Israel.
Many on the Right were nevertheless happy to have them. They wanted “their own” Jews in the hope that this would make the powerful Jews in media and academia cease in attacking the Right, calling Republicans racist and fascist. The neocons also came with strong financial backing from wealthy Jews.
William Buckley, retired, said he regretted allowing the neocons to take control of the National Review |
These neocons never sought to be elected to any office. They knew that real power does not lie in the democratic process. Instead they formed “think tanks” dictating policy to Congress, and they attached themselves to Republican Senators and other politicians as aides and experts. They also took over the National Review magazine, the Right’s center for debate across the vast nation. The founder of the magazine, William F. Buckley, openly admitted this after his retirement and said he deeply regretted allowing the neocons to take control of his magazine.
William Kristol, owner of the Weekly Standard, Fox News Contributor |
Meanwhile the neocon Will Kristol founded the Weekly Standard, which has a smaller circulation but is read by all Washington Republicans. Its main purpose has come to be justifying the wars and threats against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East, portraying them as a right-wing cause and pitting Republicans against more doubtful left-wing voters (even though the Democrat leadership is also in favor of the wars).
The neocons have come to dominate many conservative "think-tanks," such as The American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. Once in control, they do not allow conservative critics to become members. They have also formed a multitude of neoconservative think tanks, notably the Project for a New American Century. In 1996 the PNAC wrote a document called A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm. In this document they openly called for the U.S. to dominate the Middle East by force, except (of course) Israel. Most ominously, they called for a new Pearl Harbor that would make the American public go along with wars in the Middle East. The document about how to manage U.S. foreign policy was sent, not to the American President Bill Clinton, but to Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon.
The neocons have come to dominate many conservative "think-tanks," such as The American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Heritage Foundation and the Hoover Institution. Once in control, they do not allow conservative critics to become members. They have also formed a multitude of neoconservative think tanks, notably the Project for a New American Century. In 1996 the PNAC wrote a document called A Clean Break: a New Strategy for Securing the Realm. In this document they openly called for the U.S. to dominate the Middle East by force, except (of course) Israel. Most ominously, they called for a new Pearl Harbor that would make the American public go along with wars in the Middle East. The document about how to manage U.S. foreign policy was sent, not to the American President Bill Clinton, but to Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon.
With Bush they hit the jackpot and entered the White House in large numbers, completely dictating foreign policy for eight years.
When 9/11 came, the neocons finally got their new Pearl Harbor. Neocons in the White House pushed for an invasion of Iraq within days of the attack. Invading Afghanistan became a necessary first step only because al-Qaeda was accused of planning the 9/11 attacks, and the American public knew that al-Qaeda was in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Retired General Wesley Clark has stated that in 2001, on a visit to the Pentagon, a former aide showed him a Pentagon memo from the White House relaying a plan to invade seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
When 9/11 came, the neocons finally got their new Pearl Harbor. Neocons in the White House pushed for an invasion of Iraq within days of the attack. Invading Afghanistan became a necessary first step only because al-Qaeda was accused of planning the 9/11 attacks, and the American public knew that al-Qaeda was in Afghanistan, not Iraq. Retired General Wesley Clark has stated that in 2001, on a visit to the Pentagon, a former aide showed him a Pentagon memo from the White House relaying a plan to invade seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.
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President George Bush with the Talmud |