The Polish-Soviet War of 1919: In 1919-1921, the communist Red Army, led by the Jew Leon Trotsky, invaded Poland. His intent was to go through Poland and invade Germany, causing German communists to rise up; this was all part of Trotsky's plan for a “permanent world revolution.” The Soviets were stopped and defeated by Polish General Josef Pilsudski, who then made himself dictator of Poland.
Today’s official version: The war has been erased from the textbooks as there must be no mention of communist aggression throughout Europe during the Interim years. Mentioning Poland as a dictatorship would also reduce the effect of pointing to the dictatorship in Germany.
Communist dictatorship in Hungary: In 1919, the Jewish communist Bela Kun (née Moritz Cohen) led a coup to take power in war-torn Hungary. Everything was put under state control, even private bathrooms. Within six months Bela Kun led Hungary in an invasion of Romania. Romania promptly crushed the invasion, and proceeded to invade Hungary and destroy the communist government. Bela Kun fled to the Soviet Union where he became a commissar in the Krimean peninsula. He executed thousands of soldiers from the White Army who had surrendered after being promised they would be allowed to live. Bela Kun was later executed by Stalin.
Today’s official version: Since this is an example of the widespread communist violence and attempts to take power throughout Europe after World War One, it goes unmentioned by the media.
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President Warren G. Harding |
President Harding and the 1920s non-Depression: During the first World War, the U.S. government had greatly inflated the money supply to finance the war. Together with the war’s consumption of resources and labor, this caused a recession in 1920-1921. Production fell in 1920 with 21 percent. Unemployment rose from 2.1 million to 4.9 million the next year.
President Warren G. Harding responded to this by allowing the market to correct itself. Prices had to decrease to reflect the new post-war reality, he said. He refused to follow Keynesian suggestions to borrow more money to “stimulate” the economy. He cut back on government waste – Federal spending decreased from $6.3 billion (1920) to $3.3 billion (1922). Taxes were reduced for all – tax revenues fell from $6.6 billion (1920) to $4 billion (1922). Throughout the 1920s, the national debt was reduced by a third.
And so bad businesses went bankrupt, and the labor force shifted to more viable businesses. With the lower taxes, money could be easier transferred from one area of the economy to another. The private sector adjusted itself. Production and employment rose in August 1921, and the light recession never became a Depression.
Today’s official version: President Harding is virtually unknown today, as he neither started a war nor resided during a national crisis. He fixed a problem before it could develop. Since non-intervention in the economy is liked neither by the media, the Left, nor by big banking, his example is today forgotten. Instead we hear much more about….
President Roosevelt and the 1930s Depression: The U.S. Depression began in September 1929 with the fall of prices in the stock market. President Hoover set out to prevent unemployment by using government money to prop up shaky businesses. He inflated credit, expanded public works, kept up wage rates, instituted tariffs, exchange controls, production quotas, and more.
As a result the market could not adjust itself by letting bad businesses give way to stronger ones. The recession did not go away, like the one in 1920, but instead remained and was called the Depression.
When Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1933 he maintained Hoover’s policies and expanded them, calling them the New Deal. They have since been attributed entirely to Roosevelt in most writing of history, and attributed with solving the Depression
However, the Depression remained. Unemployment had been at 3.2% in 1929 and with Hoover’s policies rose to a peak in 1932 at 22.9%. It had already begun to fall to 20.6% when Roosevelt came to power in 1933, but unemployment remained high, and even rose again in 1938 to 12.5%.
The Depression even lasted throughout World War II, although it helped unemployment statistics to mobilize conscripts and send them to war. The Depression would only go away in 1946 when Roosevelt was dead and President Truman abolished the New Deal, allowing businesses to adjust.
Today’s official version: Roosevelt is hailed in the media as the savior from the Depression, the man who “saved the market from itself” by regulating it to immobility. The fact that the Depression remained throughout his presidency is never mentioned. Nor that it took a new president to finally end it, which could probably have been done back in 1930, by following President Harding’s example from 1920-1921. But Roosevelt was loved by the media owners for his extremely pro-Soviet and pro-Jewish policy, and remains so to this day.
The Holodomor: In 1932-1933, the Soviet Jew Lazar Kaganovich, in charge of the collectivization of agriculture, carried out the mass extermination of Ukrainians through starvation. The reason was that Ukrainians were nationalist and independent, and did not want to live in collective kolchos farms. The head of the NKVD, the Jew Genrikh Yagoda, ordered his commissars to go to every farm and town and confiscate all food, all animals, all grain and all farming tools. The Ukrainians were then left to die.
Seven million Ukrainians starved to death. This is called the Holodomor in Ukraine. It is the reason many Ukrainians viewed the Germans as liberators when they drove out the communists. The Germans also uncovered several mass graves from massacres, such as the one in Vinnitsa, where 9,439 corpses were found. The dead had been farmers, workers, a few civil servants and priests. The men were clothed, but many of the young women had their clothes ripped off, clearly having been raped before they were shot in the skull. (Listening to the testimonies of Ukrainian officials, the Germans estimated there must have been 3,000 more bodies that they did not find.)
Ukrainian hatred of the Jews was strong after the Holodomor. Germans during World War II would tell of how Soviet commissars machine-gunned Ukrainian nationalists before they fled Ukrainian towns when the Germans were advancing. As a result, the Ukrainians killed the Jews in these towns. The Germans were unable to establish order until much later, but were blamed for the killings.
Today’s official version: This is one of many atrocities before, during and after World War II that school textbooks don’t mention. The Ukrainian Holocaust of 7 million, carried out by mostly Jewish commissars, gives an unwelcome context to the German mass arrest of Jews during the war.
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Ukrainian Holodomor victims |
The Reichstag Fire: On February 27, 1933, the Dutch Jewish communist Marinus Van der Lubbe set fire to the German parliament, the Reichstag. He was a member of a Trotskyist communist organization that opposed the Soviet Union, and which also opposed a Nationalist resurrection in Germany.
The police found Van der Lubbe on the scene, half-dressed; he had used his own clothes to set fire to the building’s interior. He confessed on the spot. He also confessed later during his trial. He had been aided by four co-conspirators, including Ernst Torgler, the leader of the communist group in parliament.
To Adolf Hitler and many others, this was the latest example of years of communist violence. Communists had attacked political meetings ever since World War One; this was easy for them since many of the best men in Germany had died in the war, while the communists put in system to find ways to avoid front service. (Hitler sarcastically noted how many Jews were needed to man military depots back in Germany during the war, and how many had medical reasons to avoid the conscription.) They had orchestrated riots in German cities and were explicitly aiming to take power, like the communists in Hungary and the Soviet Union.
The communists had ten million members in 1933 due to the economic depression and socialist propaganda in the press after WWI. Germany was on the verge of being taken over by communism and becoming a new Soviet Union. Combined with the Russian Soviet Union, this would create a severe threat to the rest of Europe.
The communists had ten million members in 1933 due to the economic depression and socialist propaganda in the press after WWI. Germany was on the verge of being taken over by communism and becoming a new Soviet Union. Combined with the Russian Soviet Union, this would create a severe threat to the rest of Europe.
However, while Hitler speculated that the fire was a signal to a larger communist revolt, this seems unlikely. Van der Lubbe and his co-conspirators seem to have acted on their own accord.
After the fire Chancellor Hitler was given power by the Reichstag, dominated by the Conservatives and the NSDAP, to rule by decree. (Much like Abraham Lincoln had done during the American Civil War.) This had been prepared for a long time, as a way to end the country’s economic and social chaos – the fire was not the origin of the new law. The plan worked, and Germany was quickly brought back to stability and prosperity.
Most of the Conservatives in the Reichstag joined the NSDAP, and eventually all other parties were outlawed. The parliamentary system remained however, and Hitler would return to the Reichstag every year to ask for a renewal of the emergency powers. Instead of elections, the NSDAP would hold a series of referendums in various issues to gauge the public’s opinions.
Today’s official version: Media, documentaries, and school textbooks will ignore Marinus Van der Lubbe completely. Instead the same message is repeated over and over: “It is believed that the Nazis themselves started the fire as an excuse to take power in Germany.” Note the “believed,” a small word that the audience forgets.
The media thereby repeat a version originally invented by the communists. Just two days after the fire, the Daily Worker, official magazine of the British Communist Party, carried the headline “Nazis burn down the German parliament.” There is no evidence that any member of the NSDAP was involved in setting the fire. A “counter-trial” was staged by the Left in Britain, where fake witnesses claimed they had seen an SA member named Heines enter the building through a secret tunnel; it was shown later that Heines held a speech elsewhere at the time.
To mention Van der Lubbe’s confession (or that he was a communist Jew) is forbidden. To doubt that Nazists are guilty of anything they are accused of, and to ask for proof, means that you are a “Nazi” yourself and therefore speaking falsehoods. Ergo it must be true that Hitler ordered the fire. It is one of the biggest propaganda coups of modern times, that a communist act of aggression against Nationalists is instead presented as a Nationalist act of aggression against communists.
Jews declare war on Germany: When Adolf Hitler of the NSDAP became Chancellor in Germany in 1933, long before any racial laws against Jews, international Jewish leaders declared their collective intent to destroy Germany. This was no idle threat, as international Jewry held enormous power through their media and banks, not the least in the British Empire, the French Empire and the United States, and in the mostly Jewish-led Soviet Union. A front-page story in the Daily Express read, “Judea Declares War on Germany.” “Jews Of All The World Unite In Action”. “Boycott of German goods”.
It is noteworthy that world Jewry was recognized by the media as one entity, and that Jews had a shared identity and therefore shared goals.
The primary target became German exports, which were essential for Germany's survival. German goods were boycotted, and any store selling such goods also became a target. As an example, even a Jewish-owned store in New York that sold imported German porcelain was attacked at night by a gang of Jews, vandalized, and its merchandise was smashed and thrown into the nearby river.
Germans themselves living in foreign countries also became targets of suspicion and threats, and their careers were obstructed. This persecution of Germans and the effects on the German economy greatly turned German citizens against international Jewry.
Another effect was to reinforce the German leadership’s view that a country could only be safe when it possessed colonies of its own. France, Britain, America, Russia and other nations had all obtained vast lands, from which they could draw natural resources. By contrast, Germany had been forced to give up its colonies to Britain and France after World War I, and German land had been given to Czechoslovakia, France and Poland. Germans now became determined to increase their lands so that they would not have to rely on trade with foreign nations. This was called economic autarchy. It was a common view, one that had underpinned all the European Powers for centuries as they built their empires.
Today’s official version: Jews must only be mentioned as a group when they are victims. When they act for Jewish or Israeli interests they are only named as individuals, and to point out that they are Jews is not allowed. No Jewish aggression against Germany before World War II must therefore be mentioned. Germans must be seen as the only aggressors.
The German economy: After World War I, Germany was forced to pay enormous sums to the nations that had attacked Austria and Germany, in particular Britain and France. The total sum was 226 billion Reichsmark. Germany was also stripped of lands in the east, north, south and west, and its colonies were taken by the victors. The Saar region with its precious coal mines was occupied and used by France, and Germany was forced to transport millions of tons of coal to France, Italy and Belgium for ten years. Facing these conditions, Germany fell into severe poverty, and its young and old and sick died from malnourishment. The government printed new money to afford the economic punishment, which caused mass inflation.
Upon taking power, the NSDAP was determined to change this. Hjalmar Schacht was made President of the Reichsbank in 1933 and Minister of Economics in 1934. To combat the rampant unemployment rate he introduced large-scale programs to improve the infrastructure, notably the vast expansion of the Autobahn (freeway) that exists to this day. The infrastructure projects would also contribute to improving the economy in indirect ways, it was believed. Taxes were held lower than in Britain and most other West European nations.
To achieve more long-term success, economic incentives were provided for having children: grants, tax-free loans and tax relief. Combined with the new stability in the streets, and the feeling that Germany was safe again, this caused a child boom as the population increased dramatically.
The labor unions, closely tied to the social-democratic and communist parties, were abolished, and a government-owned Labor Front union took their place. (Note that as Hitler said, “Our socialism is not the Left’s socialism.”)
Private enterprise, banks and investment remained, but early on the NSDAP banned various companies that were deemed to have sold harmful products, such as publishing houses producing socialist literature. In general though, business owners approved of the NSDAP and were among its staunchest supporters. When NSDAP membership was restricted in 1933, business owners, along with officers, professors and other prominent figures, were among those who had the best chance of acquiring Party membership.
A price-freeze was declared in 1936 to combat inflation. Control offices would determine the prices in each sector of the economy, which led to bottle-neck scenarios. Wages, rents and production rates also had to be regulated as a result, and so the price-freeze was abolished during World War II and admitted as a mistake.
In the fiscal year of 1933/34, total government income was 7.8 billion Reichsmark, and expenses were 8.1 billion. In 1938/39 income was 18.4 billion and expenses were 31.8 billion.
Excess spending and loans were introduced specifically to prepare for a future war, which Hitler in a memorandum foresaw would come through Bolshevik aggression. Hitler wrote that it was necessary to quickly strengthen the economy and military (which had been almost completely destroyed after WWI) to protect Germany from this future war - notably he did not write that Germany should take a prominent part.
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A double fasces, an ancient Roman symbol for justice and the symbol of Fascism |
Fascist movements: Fascism emerged after World War I as a reaction to the threat of Marxism, not only in the openly communist parties but in the social-democrat parties as well. In Germany the communists sought to take power and were only defeated by the Freikorps after bloody street fights; throughout Europe communists tried to hand over their nations to an alliance with the Soviet Union. As Hitler said, “National Socialism was an ideology born in the trenches.”
Fascism was explicitly anti-democratic, believing democracy to be hopelessly corrupt and giving political power to a nation’s enemies within.
Fascism was intent on unifying all classes through a nationalist purpose. It was patriotic, pro-family, pro-tradition, accepting or positive toward religion, pro-discipline and self-restraint, strongly positive toward hard work and studies, and uncompromising toward those who would threaten the safety of others, whether criminals in the streets or bullies in the schools. While conservative in its values, it explicitly sought to create a modern adaption of those values. In the words of Benito Mussolini:
“The Fascist negation of socialism, democracy, liberalism, should not, however, be interpreted as implying a desire to drive the world backward to positions occupied prior to 1789, a year commonly referred to as that which opened the demo-liberal century.”
For a 1932 explanation of Fascism by Benito Mussolini, read here.
Various Fascist movements of note were:
Italy: The word “Fascism” was coined in Italy by the movement led by Benito Mussolini. It comes from fasces, the symbol for justice in Ancient Rome. (The fasces has been incorporated in law-enforcement symbols in many countries, from America to Sweden.) The Fascists defeated the communists in the streets and took power in 1922 with the blessing of King Victor Emanuel III. They were also supported by the military, the business class, and the right-wing liberals. They won widespread admiration throughout the West for their ability to unite workers and conservatives, with Churchill stating, “In Fascism, Mussolini has found the antidote to communism.” Part of Roosevelt's New Deal was very obviously imitating Fascist policies.
Spain: Under Francisco Franco’s rule, Spain was not explicitly Fascist, but for all practical purposes was a Fascist republic. It remained so until the 1970s. During the civil war against the communists, there was also a Fascist movement called the Falange.
Germany: The NSDAP belongs to the Fascist category without being explicitly called such. In fact, most “Fascist” parties did not use that word; it is used for lack of another word to group similar movements.
Romania: The Legion of the Archangel Michael, more commonly called the Iron Guard, was led by Corneliu Codreanu, who after World War II became one of the most well-read Fascist authors. He wrote To My Legionaires about their struggle against the communists in the streets, and against Jewish influence in the country, culminating in the king’s marriage to a Jewess.
China: The Kuomintang, the Nationalist party led by Chiang Kai-shek, could well be called Fascist. It also had a very large clearly Fascist internal movement sometimes called the Blue Shirts, led by Chiang Kai-shek himself. The Kuomintang was supported by both the German Reich and the United States.
Japan: The Japanese government led by the Emperor embraced ideals that land in the Fascist category. There were also several explicitly Fascist movements such as the Kokuhonsha.
France: Marshal Pétain formed the Vichy Government after the country’s failed war against Germany. The government, the French State (l’Etat Francais) was a dictatorship without political parties, and can be categorized as Fascist. Its motto was Travaille, Famille, Patrie, Work, Family, Fatherland. There was a wide interest in Fascism in the following years, with Hitler Youth-like organizations springing up across the country.
Greece: The Metaxas government was Fascist.
Hungary: The Hungarian National Defense Association was Fascist and one of Germany’s many allies.
Austria: There were many Fascist movements in Austria, notably the Fatherland’s Front.
Portugal: The Portuguese government under General Salazar 1933-1974 was called the Estado Novo, the New State, and was certainly Fascist, without using that word.
Britain: The British Union of Fascists saw its members imprisoned by the anti-German government during World War II.
Finland: During World War I Finland broke free from Russia when the Bolsheviks came to power. Communists then sought to take control in Finland, forming the Red Army, and a civil war ensued. The White Army that won the war had strong Fascist-like inspiration. Fascism never became a formal part of Finnish politics however. Nevertheless, Finland cooperated closely with Germany and asked to become a part of the German Reich. (Hitler said no, saying, “Such a strong people should be allowed to form its own destiny.”)
Brazil: Ação Integralista Brasileira was one of the most important parties in Brazil in the 1930s, and during the war the country was governed by Fascist principles.
There were also Fascist movements in Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Syria, Lebanon, and elsewhere. There was even a Jewish Fascist movement, the Brit Habirionim, in Palestine.
Emigration from Fascist nations: At no point during the Interim period were German citizens, or Jews or any other group, prevented from emigrating from Germany. While many millionaire Jews in Germany had their wealth confiscated depending on their political involvement, they were all promised to keep their wealth if they migrated. (By 1939, two thirds of German Jews had emigrated. Many used their money to finance anti-German campaigns in the United States.) Germans were the most well-educated people in the world at the time, and 70 percent of all technical manuals were written in German – Germany led the world’s technical development. Many Germans could therefore easily leave for other nations and find work. If they did not want to abandon their native language, they could move to live among German minorities in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Austria, Poland or Czechoslovakia. Few did so.
Likewise, anyone could move away from Fascist Italy, or from authoritarian Spain. (And after World War II, from Chile, Greece, Argentina, Bolivia, and other “Fascist” dictatorships.) Of those who moved from Italy to the United States during the Interim period, two thirds moved back – to an explicitly Fascist nation. This is in stark contrast to the Soviet Union and to later communist nations, where the people were held prisoner and were prevented from leaving.
Today’s official version: The public is used to comparisons between the German Reich and the Soviet Union, with Germany as the worst case; to hear that people were allowed to leave at any time would get in the way of that.
The Folk Radio: As part of the NSDAP’s program to revive German culture, a new radio was produced in the 1930s that was cheap enough for all Germans to afford. Before this, some Germans had to take loans to buy a radio, while most could not afford one at all. The radio’s reach was short because of its simple construction, but it had a great significance for German families.
Today’s official version: The Folk Radio is used as an example of preventing information. The story goes, “the Germans were given a radio that could only listen to German broadcasts.” The unspoken assumption is that Germans would otherwise have had radio units that could pick up broadcasts from Britain, France and elsewhere. This serves as an example of lying by omission, similar to the message that “Hitler did not shake hands with Jesse Owens.” It is also erroneous to assume that Germans, the world’s most well-educated people at the time, would be ignorant of the goings-on in other countries.
Cruise ships: As part of the German program to improve the life of working-class families (which had begun with the Winter Aid in 1933), cruisers such as Wilhelm Gustloff, Robert Ley, Cap Arkona and others were built. These offered workers inexpensive cruises, which they had never been able to afford until then. The cruises went to the Portuguese island of Madeira, Spanish islands, and southern coastal cities. These ships were forbidden to enter British ports, possibly so that British workers would not be able to see what life was like for their German counterparts.
The word “Aryan” and the swastika: Another word often misrepresented today is “Aryan”. This is an ancient word for Indo-Europeans, White people, whose lands stretched from Europe and northern Africa in the west, through the Middle East, Central Asia and India, to western China in the east. Mummies have been found in western China of peoples with European traits with blond and red hair, and these are called Tokharyans (East Aryans) in archeology. Aryans conquered lands that are now Arabic, Persian and Indian and set themselves up as a ruling caste. The Hindu holy texts, the Vedas, describe this clearly, and show how this was the origin of the Indian caste system, to keep the conquerors apart from the conquered, which worked for thousands of years. (Even in the 19th century, the British found light-skinned, blue-eyed members of the warrior (ruling) caste in northern India, individuals who looked like south Europeans.) Indeed, the word Aryan is the basis for the name of Iran, which means “Land of the Aryan.”
The swastika is an old Indo-European (Aryan) symbol. It can be found in India, and it is a symbol in Buddhism. There are paintings of Buddha where he wears a swastika around his neck (Buddha came from the ruling caste in northern India, and was therefore certain to have White ancestry. Interestingly, while Asians usually have straight hair, Buddha is depicted with curly hair.) It is also a symbol in north-European religion. Asatru, the belief in the old Nordic and Germanic gods, used the swastika as the symbol for Odin, king of the gods. The swastika represented his all-seeing eye, which had been sacrificed to the Well of Wisdom, and through which Odin could see the past, present and the future. The swastika appears in old decorations as a symbol of good luck; it appears in paintings of Thor, the god of thunder; it appeared in the Finnish air force; it was very common in the floor and wall decorations in old German castles.
Today’s official version: Despite what used to be general knowledge in the past, the word Aryan is today sometimes said to be a Hebrew word. This is done to ridicule the National Socialists. Alternately, it is said to only refer to people living in Iran, and the origin of the Iranian name is used as proof of this. The swastika is only presented as a Hindu symbol. Those who know otherwise will keep silent, knowing that if they spoke up they would be targeted as “Nazis.”
The Big Lie Technique: Hitler warned in Mein Kampf of the Jewish media’s propensity to invent extreme lies, something Jews call chutzpah, which in Jewish traditional tales is a clever and admirable trait. Hitler wrote about General Ludendorff and his criticism of left-wing machinations during World War I, of which the most visible consequence, Ludendorff asserted, was the loss of the war. Hitler noted in Chapter 10 of Mein Kampf:
“Master Race,” Untermenschen and Über Alles: The expression Herrenvolk, Master People, was sometimes used in 1930s Germany. This is always translated as Master Race, and presented as proof that Germany wanted to conquer the whole world. What it meant was simply to excel more than any other people. Herr was the German honorary title for any man, the equivalent to the English word Mister.
Likewise, “untermenschen” or “subhuman” referred to individuals belonging to the German people. The National Socialists were concerned with improving their own race, and used the words übermenschen (overhuman) and untermenschen in reference to their own people. The sterilization laws were aimed at German criminals and those with mental retardations; by the end of WWII, 350,000-450,000 individuals had been sterilized, of which almost all were Whites. None were Jews. The only non-Whites sterilized were 500 children born of sexual relationships between German women and Black soldiers stationed by France to occupy the Rhineland after the first World War.
In this, German laws were not unique. Similar laws existed in Britain, the United States, Japan, Sweden and elsewhere.
The phrase “Deutschland über alles in der Welt” is an old phrase from the German national anthem that refers to the wish for a unified Germany, and originates from the time when Germany was divided into several small principalities. It was first written in 1797 by composer Joseph Haydn for the birthday of Emperor Francis II. Correctly, it has usually been translated into English versions of the song not word-for-word as "Germany over all in the World," but as “Germany above all,” which more accurately captures the meaning of the phrase. It was only during World War II that the song was presented in Britain as proof of a German desire for world conquest.
German gun laws: Germany relaxed the gun laws from the Weimar Republic considerably. Hunting rifles were of course common all over Germany, and it now became possible to carry a gun in public. A citizen still needed to state a reason for doing so, but it could be something as simple as stating that one often carried large sums of money. Only non-citizens such as foreigners and Jews were forbidden to own guns. By contrast, communist states could punish the possession of a gun by death. When the Allies invaded Germany the Americans, British and French confiscated all guns and rifles, even old inherited antiques. On the Soviet side, even owning as much as a single rifle bullet meant that a German would be instantly killed.
Despite the law gun laws, Hitler frequently paraded in public, riding slowly through masses of people in an open car. He was not afraid as the people strongly approved of him. This in stark contrast to e.g. American presidents who will never get that close to their voters and who make public appearances before large crowds behind bullet-proof glass.
Today's official version: It is often said in the U.S. today that the Nazists restricted gun ownership, “like tyrannies always do.” The opposite is true: the NSDAP allowed great freedom to carry guns, which the Allies took away. If any proof of the supposedly strict gun laws is presented, it is that Jews were not allowed to carry guns. This is usually mentioned quickly before proceeding with the statement, so as not to mention the fact that things were different for German citizens.
The Gestapo: Short for Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police), the Gestapo was the Reich’s security police. Contrary to the NKVD in the Soviet Union, or the later Stasi in East Germany, the Gestapo was small. In a typical city such as Krefeld with 170,000 citizens there were no more than 12-13 Gestapo officers, a ratio of one officer per 10,000-15,000 citizens. The Gestapo was therefore entirely dependent on tips from the public to reveal the underground communist groups in Germany in 1933, and the response from the public was strongly supportive. The police had been prevented in its work from capturing communists who were preparing criminal acts almost in plain daylight during the Weimar Republic, but now their activities were finally brought to an end.
British promises to Eastern nations: Britain in the 1930s gave promises of military alliance to almost any East European nation. Normally such negotiations are weighed carefully, and it has to be certain that an ally can really come to the aid of another in case of war. Britain broke this long-standing consideration. It was clear that Britain could not help any of these East European nations in case of war between them and Germany, but an alliance would make them bold enough to stand against German demands in negotiations, hopefully leading to war where Britain would have a reason to become involved. This is exactly what happened in the case of Poland.
Cruise ships: As part of the German program to improve the life of working-class families (which had begun with the Winter Aid in 1933), cruisers such as Wilhelm Gustloff, Robert Ley, Cap Arkona and others were built. These offered workers inexpensive cruises, which they had never been able to afford until then. The cruises went to the Portuguese island of Madeira, Spanish islands, and southern coastal cities. These ships were forbidden to enter British ports, possibly so that British workers would not be able to see what life was like for their German counterparts.
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The Wilhelm Gustloff cruiser |
Book burnings: The NSDAP did arrange public book burnings, which were voluntary and symbolic of Germany's freedom from Marxism. No German was forced to take part, but support was widespread as people got rid of old Marxist, anti-German literature in their possession. It was not illegal to own this literature, but it became illegal to sell more of it.
Today's version: Photographs from book burnings are used as examples of oppression in Germany. The fact that participation was voluntary and that the books were not illegal to own, is left out of the story.
National Socialism and the word “Nazi”: The real abbreviation of National Socialist is, of course, Nazist. “Nazi” was a slur invented by German communists to insult Nazists. So naturally it was picked up by Western media. It is a sign of the times that the slur today is so widely used that to use the real word, Nazist, would be met with suspicion. This is as if the media would systematically write “commie” instead of “communist.”
The word “Aryan” and the swastika: Another word often misrepresented today is “Aryan”. This is an ancient word for Indo-Europeans, White people, whose lands stretched from Europe and northern Africa in the west, through the Middle East, Central Asia and India, to western China in the east. Mummies have been found in western China of peoples with European traits with blond and red hair, and these are called Tokharyans (East Aryans) in archeology. Aryans conquered lands that are now Arabic, Persian and Indian and set themselves up as a ruling caste. The Hindu holy texts, the Vedas, describe this clearly, and show how this was the origin of the Indian caste system, to keep the conquerors apart from the conquered, which worked for thousands of years. (Even in the 19th century, the British found light-skinned, blue-eyed members of the warrior (ruling) caste in northern India, individuals who looked like south Europeans.) Indeed, the word Aryan is the basis for the name of Iran, which means “Land of the Aryan.”
The swastika is an old Indo-European (Aryan) symbol. It can be found in India, and it is a symbol in Buddhism. There are paintings of Buddha where he wears a swastika around his neck (Buddha came from the ruling caste in northern India, and was therefore certain to have White ancestry. Interestingly, while Asians usually have straight hair, Buddha is depicted with curly hair.) It is also a symbol in north-European religion. Asatru, the belief in the old Nordic and Germanic gods, used the swastika as the symbol for Odin, king of the gods. The swastika represented his all-seeing eye, which had been sacrificed to the Well of Wisdom, and through which Odin could see the past, present and the future. The swastika appears in old decorations as a symbol of good luck; it appears in paintings of Thor, the god of thunder; it appeared in the Finnish air force; it was very common in the floor and wall decorations in old German castles.
Today’s official version: Despite what used to be general knowledge in the past, the word Aryan is today sometimes said to be a Hebrew word. This is done to ridicule the National Socialists. Alternately, it is said to only refer to people living in Iran, and the origin of the Iranian name is used as proof of this. The swastika is only presented as a Hindu symbol. Those who know otherwise will keep silent, knowing that if they spoke up they would be targeted as “Nazis.”
The Big Lie Technique: Hitler warned in Mein Kampf of the Jewish media’s propensity to invent extreme lies, something Jews call chutzpah, which in Jewish traditional tales is a clever and admirable trait. Hitler wrote about General Ludendorff and his criticism of left-wing machinations during World War I, of which the most visible consequence, Ludendorff asserted, was the loss of the war. Hitler noted in Chapter 10 of Mein Kampf:
“By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World War they took the weapon of moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have risen against the traitors to the fatherland.” … “[ordinary people] more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true.”
In other words, people will think, “No smoke without fire.” It is impossible for many to imagine that someone would make up a lie in a serious matter that is completely the opposite of the truth. Only a psychopath would do so, and most people cannot imagine how a psychopath works. They will believe that there must be at least some truth to the accusation, Hitler warned.
Today’s official version: It is today said that “Hitler invented the Big Lie technique.” Sometimes this is falsely attributed to Dr. Goebbels. It is not mentioned that Hitler warned of this, and so the audience is left to believe that Hitler advocated the Big Lie. Thus inventing a lie in a serious matter that is completely opposite the truth, this becomes an excellent example of a Big Lie.
“Master Race,” Untermenschen and Über Alles: The expression Herrenvolk, Master People, was sometimes used in 1930s Germany. This is always translated as Master Race, and presented as proof that Germany wanted to conquer the whole world. What it meant was simply to excel more than any other people. Herr was the German honorary title for any man, the equivalent to the English word Mister.
Likewise, “untermenschen” or “subhuman” referred to individuals belonging to the German people. The National Socialists were concerned with improving their own race, and used the words übermenschen (overhuman) and untermenschen in reference to their own people. The sterilization laws were aimed at German criminals and those with mental retardations; by the end of WWII, 350,000-450,000 individuals had been sterilized, of which almost all were Whites. None were Jews. The only non-Whites sterilized were 500 children born of sexual relationships between German women and Black soldiers stationed by France to occupy the Rhineland after the first World War.
In this, German laws were not unique. Similar laws existed in Britain, the United States, Japan, Sweden and elsewhere.
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“We do not stand alone” - German poster from 1934, showing the flags of other nations that also had eugenics laws similar or identical to those in Germany. |
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“The threat of the underman/subhuman.” A German poster from 1937 showing how “untermenschen” referred to German criminals and other individuals deemed weak of character, not other peoples. |
The phrase “Deutschland über alles in der Welt” is an old phrase from the German national anthem that refers to the wish for a unified Germany, and originates from the time when Germany was divided into several small principalities. It was first written in 1797 by composer Joseph Haydn for the birthday of Emperor Francis II. Correctly, it has usually been translated into English versions of the song not word-for-word as "Germany over all in the World," but as “Germany above all,” which more accurately captures the meaning of the phrase. It was only during World War II that the song was presented in Britain as proof of a German desire for world conquest.
German gun laws: Germany relaxed the gun laws from the Weimar Republic considerably. Hunting rifles were of course common all over Germany, and it now became possible to carry a gun in public. A citizen still needed to state a reason for doing so, but it could be something as simple as stating that one often carried large sums of money. Only non-citizens such as foreigners and Jews were forbidden to own guns. By contrast, communist states could punish the possession of a gun by death. When the Allies invaded Germany the Americans, British and French confiscated all guns and rifles, even old inherited antiques. On the Soviet side, even owning as much as a single rifle bullet meant that a German would be instantly killed.
Despite the law gun laws, Hitler frequently paraded in public, riding slowly through masses of people in an open car. He was not afraid as the people strongly approved of him. This in stark contrast to e.g. American presidents who will never get that close to their voters and who make public appearances before large crowds behind bullet-proof glass.
Today's official version: It is often said in the U.S. today that the Nazists restricted gun ownership, “like tyrannies always do.” The opposite is true: the NSDAP allowed great freedom to carry guns, which the Allies took away. If any proof of the supposedly strict gun laws is presented, it is that Jews were not allowed to carry guns. This is usually mentioned quickly before proceeding with the statement, so as not to mention the fact that things were different for German citizens.
The Gestapo: Short for Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police), the Gestapo was the Reich’s security police. Contrary to the NKVD in the Soviet Union, or the later Stasi in East Germany, the Gestapo was small. In a typical city such as Krefeld with 170,000 citizens there were no more than 12-13 Gestapo officers, a ratio of one officer per 10,000-15,000 citizens. The Gestapo was therefore entirely dependent on tips from the public to reveal the underground communist groups in Germany in 1933, and the response from the public was strongly supportive. The police had been prevented in its work from capturing communists who were preparing criminal acts almost in plain daylight during the Weimar Republic, but now their activities were finally brought to an end.
Today’s official version: The Gestapo has been exaggerated enormously in Hollywood movies, so that it appears to have been much more pervasive than the presence of security police in communist nations. The opposite is true. The Gestapo had almost no spying functions of its own, and relied mostly on tips from the public. As such the “Secret State Police” was not very secret at all. It is also not mentioned today what a threat the communist groups really were, especially in Germany but also in other nations, as they carried out assassinations and terrorist bombings throughout Europe.
British promises to Eastern nations: Britain in the 1930s gave promises of military alliance to almost any East European nation. Normally such negotiations are weighed carefully, and it has to be certain that an ally can really come to the aid of another in case of war. Britain broke this long-standing consideration. It was clear that Britain could not help any of these East European nations in case of war between them and Germany, but an alliance would make them bold enough to stand against German demands in negotiations, hopefully leading to war where Britain would have a reason to become involved. This is exactly what happened in the case of Poland.
The Holodomor: In 1934-1935, the Soviet Jew Lazar Kaganovich, in charge of the collectivization of agriculture, began the mass extermination of Ukrainians through starvation. The reason was that Ukrainians were nationalist and independent, and did not want to live in collective kolchos farms. The head of the NKVD, the Jew Genrikh Yagoda, ordered his commissars to go to every farm and town and confiscate all food, all animals, all grain and all farming tools. The Ukrainians were then left to die.
Seven million Ukrainians starved to death. This is called the Holodomor in Ukraine. It is the reason many Ukrainians viewed the Germans as liberators when they drove out the communists. The Germans also uncovered several mass graves from massacres, such as the one in Vinnitsa, where 9,439 corpses were found. The dead had been farmers, workers, a few civil servants and priests. The men were clothed, but many of the young women had their clothes ripped off, clearly having been raped before they were shot in the skull. (Listening to the testimonies of Ukrainian officials, they estimated there must have been 3,000 more bodies that they did not find.)
Today’s official version: This is one of many atrocities before, during and after World War II that school textbooks don’t mention. The Ukrainian Holocaust of 7 million, carried out by mostly Jewish commissars, gives an unwelcome context to the German mass arrest of Jews during the war.
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Ukrainian Holodomor victims |
The Frankfurt School: The Frankfurt School was a gathering of communists in Frankfurt, Germany, who wanted to “explore the social aspects of Marxism.” They were almost entirely Jewish, and were financed by the wealthy Jew Felix Weil. (One of many examples of “capitalist” Jews financing communist Jews.) In 1933, following Adolf Hitler’s new position as chancellor in Germany, they moved to Geneva.
In 1935 they moved to New York City, the center for world communism outside the Soviet Union (due to its heavy concentration of Jews and American free-speech laws). Here they were greeted by the press with open arms, like all Jews from Germany at the time, and they quickly became associated with Columbia University. No one dared raise questions about a group of communists being hired by an American university, as it would be anti-Semitic and therefore a career-killer.
The Frankfurt School spread throughout the American coastal universities, in particular in New England and later in California, enlisting other Jews as they did so, and their brand of communism came to dominate the social departments of these universities permanently. They were never interested in mathematics, chemistry, medicine, or any other departments that were connected to the production of goods and services of practical use; instead they took over the departments dealing with psychology, politics, history, and especially sociology.
Their “social communism” attacked every traditional aspect of Western society. The American banner of Liberty was used to attack traditions as unfree and therefore Fascist. Marriage, patriotism, religion, business, discipline, duty, sexual moderation, family, etc - nothing was left unassailed. Women were turned against men, children against parents, workers against employers, and so on.
Their biggest success was in promoting racism as a political word to be used against Western society. While it seems to have been introduced to politics by Leon Trotsky - he accused Western empires of being “racist,” using the word as a slur - it was the Frankfurt School that made the word famous as a systematic tool. In this they were helped by the Jewish-owned media, which published everything written by the Frankfurt School in a positive manner. Thus while American men were off to invade Germany in Europe, the Frankfurt School began transforming the society they had left behind.
Italy building navy vessel for Poland: In 1935, Mussolini’s Italy built for the Polish navy a modern 15,000-ton liner, paid for in 600,000 tons of coal. The ship was named after the dictator Josef Pilsudski, who had died earlier the same year. Poles cheered their new ship and were positive toward Fascist Italy. Consequently, when the socialist Stanislaus Dubois led a demonstration against the Italian embassy, shouting “Hooray for socialism! Hooray for Ethiopia!”, protesting the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the demonstrators were thrown in jail for a few hours. While not one of the greatest events of the Interim period, it shows a state of normalcy and cooperation that we never hear of today.
Polish plans for war: After the Polish dictator Pilsudski died in May 1935, he was succeeded by Edward Rydz-Smigly as Inspector-General of the Armed Forces. This was the highest rank in the military. In November the same year, Rydz was promoted to Marshal, and he became the de facto dictator in Poland 1935-1939, even though there was both a Polish prime minister and a president. This was sometimes called “a dictatorship without a dictator.”
Rydz had dreams of a north-Slavic union. The southern Slavs were considered racially inferior and mixed with Turkish blood. The northern Slavs, however, should form the “little Entente” in Rydz’ vision, backed by Britain and France. They would stand against both Germany and the Soviet Union in war, and in the future expand their territory.
This was one of the main reasons why Poland accepted the British offer of military aid. The Polish government was unaware that Britain had no intention of coming to Poland’s aid in a war, as Britain lacked that capacity, with its soldiers spread across the Empire; for Britain it was a matter of closing the door to Germany’s diplomatic efforts. This would make Germany go to war, which would give Britain and France an excuse to attack Germany. Poland being lured onto a road to defeat was a sacrifice. (British leaders believed they would obtain immediate American help in this scenario, as promised by Roosevelt. But as Britain deceived Poland, so had Roosevelt deceived Britain; the U.S. was not ready to provide such aid.)
Former Prime Minister Lloyd George about Germany: Lloyd George was Britain's prime minister 1916-1922, thus leading Britain during World War I. He thereafter served as Chancellor of the Exchequer and as Secretary of State for War, Minister of Munitions, President of the Board of Trade, and leader of the Liberal Party. He visited Germany in 1936 and upon his return was quoted by The Daily Express as saying:
“I have just returned from a visit to Germany and have met their famed leader, Adolf Hitler, and saw the many positive changes he initiated. Whatever one may say of his methods – and these are definitely those of a parliamentary democracy – there is not doubt that he has wrought wonders and changed the thinking of the German people. For the first time since the war there is a general feeling of safety in the country. People are happier. There is a feeling of optimism and well-being in the country. It is a more fortunate Germany and all this was wrought by only one man, Adolf Hitler. The fact that Hitler had saved his country from repeating the time of despair and humiliation gave him undisputed authority. He not only earned the admiration of his people but is also being honored as a national hero for having saved his country from degradation and total hopelessness. He is the George Washington of Germany who have his country independence and saved it from oppression.”
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain warning of the Jews: Joseph Kennedy (father of John F. Kennedy) was the U.S. ambassador to Britain in 1938-1940. He wrote in his journal that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had told him he believed “the Jews are pushing us into war, and there is nothing I can do to stop it.”
Today's official version: If this is mentioned at all, it is as proof of Joseph Kennedy's “anti-Semitism.” To suggest that the Prime Minister of Britain would be speaking the truth is out of the question.
The 1936 Olympics: Germany held the 1936 Olympics, despite loud protests from Jewish groups. Support for the resurrected Germany, now prosperous and safe after years of communist violence, was great. The Australian athletes, for example, made the Roman salute (“Hitler salute”) as they paraded through the stadium.
German athletes won 89 medals, despite their inability to practice well for many years because of poverty, and despite the much larger size of the American contingent (which came in second place with 59 medals). Adolf Hitler on August 2 decided to meet with all German medal winners and shake their hands in his loge in the stadium. The Olympic Committee informed him the next day that he either had to receive all medalists or none, but that it was not allowed to only receive the medalists of one’s own country. Adolf Hitler apologized and said he would receive no more medalists, as it would be too much work to shake hands with all of them.
On August 3 the Black runner Jesse Owens won a gold medal. Hitler did not shake hands with him or any other athletes during the remainder of the games. However, as Owens passed by Hitler’s seat in the stands, Hitler stood up and waved to him, and Owens waved back.
Jesse Owens wrote in his (ghost-written) autobiography that Hitler had acted correctly. He wrote, “When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany.” He noted that Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was campaigning in the Southern states at the time, had refused to meet with Owens upon his return to the States. He considered Roosevelt to be the one who snubbed him, not Hitler.
Today’s official version: This is a widely spread deception, that “Hitler refused to shake hands with Jesse Owens.” Obviously the truth was different. That Hitler stood up and saluted Owens is also always left out of the story. Jesse Owens’ gold medal is also presented as “exposing the lie of German racial superiority” while it is not mentioned that the Germans were the clear winners in the Olympics.
The Hindenburg disaster: The German airship Hindenburg remains to this day the largest flying object in history. It was 804 feet long and 135 feet wide and considered a majestic sight as it traversed the sky. On May 6, 1937, the Hindenburg caught fire as it attempted to dock in Lakehurst, New Jersey. 36 people died, and the public grew fearful of airships, marking the end of the airship era. The Hindenburg was designed for helium, but because of the attempt to starve Germany with sanctions, the U.S. refused to sell helium for the production of airships. Instead the ship was filled with 7 million cubic feet of highly flammable hydrogen. What caused the disaster is still unknown, but sabotage against Nazist Germany was strongly suspected at the time.
Today's official version: That the deaths were caused by highly flammable hydrogen fuel, which had to replace helium due to the U.S. embargo, is never mentioned. Likewise the fact that the Hindenburg came from “Nazi” Germany is almost always left out, as NS Germany must not be connected with anything that could garner sympathy.
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The Hindenburg disaster |
Max Schmeling's boxing match: Max Schmeling was a German boxer who travelled to the United States to fight the Black boxer Joe Louis in June, 1938. U.S. newspapers used the event to drum up anti-German sentiment, referring to Schmeling as the “Nazi boxer” and holding up Joe Louis as a hero for “standing up to the Nazis.” When Max Schmeling walked to the ring, the American audience shouted slurs and threw rotten produce at him. The hatred reached a fever pitch. Max Schmeling lost the match, and the media went ecstatic, now presenting the match as “proof against the Nazi race theories.”
What they didn’t mention was that Max Schmeling was nine years older than Joe Louis, giving him a severe disadvantage. They also ignored that Schmeling had defeated Joe Louis in a match two years earlier.
Nor did they mention that German discussion of civilization-creating nations in Europe was hardly dependent on which individual won a boxing match.
Today’s official version: Today’s version in documentaries is much the same as in the past. The age difference and the fact that Schmeling had beaten Louis two years earlier is never mentioned.
The Crystal Night: On February 4, 1936, the Jew David Frankfurter shot and killed Wilhelm Gustloff, leader of the Swiss NSDAP, in his home. (For this murder Swiss politicians named him “an honorary citizen of Switzerland” after World War II.) In November 1938, the Polish Jew Herschel Grynszpan shot the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath in Paris. This enraged the Germans, who had been the target of a Jewish campaign of isolation, both diplomatic and financial, of demonization in foreign press, and of Jewish/communist-led riots and killings during the Weimar Era. Especially the economic isolation was hard for Germans. After the murder Germans finally had enough, and attacked Jewish-owned stores across Germany, in what became known as the Crystal Night (because of broken glass from store windows in the streets). The German government suppressed the violence after some time.
Today’s official version: The Crystal Night is presented as entirely the result of Nazist demonization of Jews. No mention is made of the murder in Paris, or of the systematic Jewish campaign to starve Germany, or of the many years of communist violence in the Weimar Era. When presented as a completely isolated act, the Crystal Night certainly looks much different than when put into context. It is also always called “Kristallnacht” in English-speaking media, never translated, as it sounds harsher and more alien to the British and American audience when said in German.
The Sudeten Germans and Czechoslovakia: In 1914, Czech and Slovak soldiers on the Russian front shot their Austrian officers and defected to the Russian enemy. Thomas Masyk, later president of Czechoslovakia, turned to Britain for support of Czech independence. This betrayal at the beginning of World War I enraged the people in both Germany and Austria and would set the stage for future events.
In 1917, Britain sent Masaryk to Russia where he organized 50,000 Czech and Slovak soldiers (out of 250,000 defectors) to fight Germany and Austria. Some American and British leaders hoped that these would later join in fighting the Bolsheviks, but Masaryk refused to fight them and urged the Allies to recognize the communists as the leaders of Russia.
Another Czechoslovakian exile was Eduard Benesh, who was disliked by many other exiles. He was known for being of shady character; in 1919, during the negotiations for the Treaty of Germain, he presented a falsified map that minimized the Sudeten German population to become part of Czechoslovakia from 3.5 million people to 1.2 million. With Stalin’s help he became the leader of the exiles. (In 1945, after Stalin’s demand that the Sudeten Germans be thrown out of their homes and forced into the remainder of Germany, he would proclaim: “The transfer of the German property will be the beginning of a great social transformation.”)
In the 1930s Hitler had been elected on a promise to bring back to Germany the millions of Germans cut off and handed to other countries after World War I. The Sudeten Germans were living in what can only be described as an open-air prison, treated very badly in Czechoslovakia, and wanting very much to return to Germany, but the Czechoslovakian government refused. This led to the 1938 German invasion of the Sudetenland, and then the rest of Czechia, as a tactic to prevent what would be a sure retaliation otherwise. Aside from the Sudetenland, Czechia became a protectorate, called the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
An election was held in the Sudetenland in December 1938, where 97.32 percent voted for the NSDAP. 17.34 percent of the Sudeten Germans joined the NSDAP. (7.85 percent of the people in Germany were members of the NSDAP; membership had been held open for two months after Hitler became Reichs Chancellor, and millions joined, after which it had become more restricted.)
Germany’s “imperialism” thus consisted of taking more territory than only the one inhabited by Sudeten Germans – in much the same way Czechoslovakia had taken German territory after World War I. Conquest was a normal part of the world, as it had been for all time, and this conquered territory was far smaller than the empires held by Britain, France, Russia, America and others. Yet it was used by the Jewish-influenced governments in France, Britain and the U.S. as evidence that “German imperialism” must be stopped.
Meanwhile Poland took as much of Czechia as they could, which turned out to be a small part of the north.
Southern Slovakia was given to Hungary, which had lost more than half its land to surrounding nations, including Czechoslovakia, after being defeated in World War I. The remainder of Czechoslovakia eventually ceased to exist, and the Slovak Republic was formed on March 14, 1939. Slovakia was a one-party state clearly leaning toward Fascism, called “clerical Fascist” by the communists. Jews were stripped of their power in politics and finance. In September 1939, Slovakia joined Germany and the Soviet Union in invading Poland. The Slovak Republic existed as an independent state until 1945, when it fell to the Soviet invasion.
Today’s official version: Germany’s invasion of Czechia is presented as a sign that “Germany wanted to invade the whole world,” without presenting the backstory. This is presented as evidence that it was right of Britain to start a new war between the Great Powers. That Poland invaded part of northern Czechia is not mentioned, and the Slovakian invasion of Poland later is not mentioned, as these would take focus from Germany as the only conqueror in Europe and therefore evil. Even Slovakia’s existence is usually erased from the history books, as it must be made to seem Germany invaded all territory within reach.